« Music Industry News Digest 21/10/2004 | Accueil | Mea Culpa : les ventes de disques ont baissé de 12 % sur Q3 »


Digital Music News Digest 21/10/2004

The IPod Sprouts Speakers (Forbes) - The IPod In Perspective (Forbes) - PortalPlayer's Bid to Join iPod's Party (Business Week) - Can Sony rebound ? (CNN) - Students share music over dorm networks (Brown Daily Herald) - Online Tracking Firm: Kazaa Losing Users (Associated Press) - TradTune.com : Celtic music enters digital age (BBC) - Rock.com Offers CD Quality Playlists With No Commercials And No Fees (Press Release) - RealNetworks 3rd-quarter loss widens on litigation (Reuters, Press Release)

octobre 21, 2004 in Digital Music, News Digest | Permalink


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